[Ansteorra] Board suggestions (response to Stefan)

Nancy Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Jul 26 06:15:58 PDT 2002


Stefan said:

>It's easy to say the BoD should do these things. Implementing such
>things can be complicated. The way to get action on these things
>is to present the material, not just say someone else should do it
>and cast blame when they don't.

         Perhaps you should ask the Board member that you have been
speaking to whether or not thre suggestions (moving offices, grants, etc)
were discussed and researched by the people who brought them up to the
Board.  You're assuming they were not.  Part of what goes on on the Board
level is politics and "we've always done it this way."   From my personal
experience I normally do go find solutions when problems exist.  Since you
and I live in the same Barony you are well familiar with the fact that I
act as a resource for finding sites, goods and people skills. I generally
am not a negative person nor have I ever been reluctant to help when I
personally can

>If someone thinks that moving the corporate office out of the Bay
>Area will save money, and I suspect it should, then they should
>research the costs in other likely areas, or get someone in those
>areas to, and present that. It would also help if they could also
>come up with the costs of moving the office to there. Then the
>BoD would have some numbers to work with. The BoD are not a full-time
>outfit, nor do they have a paid staff to research such things. Any
>help we can give them, the better.
         Actually the Board has two people they pay full time to handle
these types of things as well as others.  Both if I remember are no longer
active members of the SCA.  In California, labor laws are quite different
from what they are here and people cannot be discharged because of not
doing their work well.  One of the people, from reports of others, actually
dislikes the SCA.  Contrary to what you mentioned in your note, the Board
was presented with a number of alternative cities that were geographically
better to have the Board housed. (Kansas CIty for ex and New
Jersey).    They have have offers of assistance and have drug their feet on
acting on it.
(Maybe because they don't have full time jobs being Board members.)

>The same goes with the grants. There is probably a lot that a non-BoD
>member could do to research this, especially someone who has had
>experience writing up grant proposals or knows the procedures. Then
>present it to the BoD in a form they can work with.

         They have had numerous volunteers and a funding committee that to
date hasn't done much.  Considering that several people on the Board have
experience within their own Mundane jobs, I don't think that lack of
knowledge is the problem.  If you look at the bios of each member several
work in the sectors that rely on federal/private funding

>I think both of your suggestions should be looked into. Perhaps others
>along with yourself can form a committee and check out some of this.

         Perhaps, but currently I'm not in a mood to assist the Board with
much.  And how do you know that I and others have not volunteered on Kingom
and higher levels to do this very type of thing. You have not asked - you
have instead assumed.

Rather than tie up this list with what seems to be some anger issues if you
would like to discuss this with me privately I would be happy to talk to you.

Most cordially,


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