[Ansteorra] For folks who like to talk about their arts including Laurels

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Wed Jul 31 14:54:08 PDT 2002

Gunnora said:
> Yes to all of that!  Another point is that people who are
> really "into" an
> art or sport usually would *LOVE* to talk your ear off about it.  I've
> noticed that knights *LOVE* to talk about fighting ("No shit, there I
> was...")  Most artisans I know are also show-offs in a sense
> - we all want
> you to marvel and ooh and aah over the neat stuff we do - and
> it's a treat
> to get to talk about the arts we practice.  Want to have
> hours of mindless
> fun talking about Viking stuff?  Make my day!  Come talk to
> me!  And the
> other Laurels (and other artisans of every level, Laurels
> aren't the only
> ones out there with useful stuff to teach!) would *LOVE* to
> talk about their own arts.

Okay, here's an offer for the Laurels and those interested in the
arts out there. Want to show off what you know? Want to get other
people interested in the art you enjoy? Found out some interesting
things during the research you've done, but don't know how to let
others know of this neat stuff?

Write an article about the subjects or arts you practice and let
me put it in the Florilegium. This can be anything from an
introductory overview to a craft to the historic background
behind the craft with footnotes and referances to a simple 'how-to'

My standard policy is that the copyright stays with the author. I
only want to make this material available to folks around the
Known World. Because this is a webpage, the content can be changed
after being published, so I accept updates at any time. If for
some reason you don't like the way I am handling things, I will
honor withdrawel requests.

The Florilegium has readers and authors from all over the Known
World, including South Africa (Drachenvald) and Australia (Lochac).

While I will accept articles on subjects that have already been
covered (I have three articles on soapmaking), I prefer articles
on crafts that are new to most people.

Even a bibiliography, particularly an annotated one, can prove
useful to others interested in a craft. You can find a number of
these in the Florilegium and I'm always interested in more.

Taught a class, but don't think you have time to write up an
article? Many class notes, and often A&S documentation, is complete
enough to stand alone as an article. And since I accept updates
later, you can always replace these works with more polished ones
in the future.

While most of the material in the Florilegium comes off of newsgroups
and maillists and thus is text only, I can handle pictures, diagrams
and photographs if you hold the copyright or have permission to use
them. You will find such illustrations in some of the Florilegium

Think you want to wait until you know everything there is to know
about an art? That what you know right now is insufficent to base
an article on? Write up what you have. Sometimes when it is online,
folks will send you additional information that you can use when
they see what you have done. Often questons from readers may point
you in a new, interesting direction for your research. And again,
when you've learned more, update the article and I will replace
the version online with the new one.

For those who aren't aware of the Florilegium, the address is:
http://www.florilegium.org   And I've heard it recommended to set
an alarm clock when you go exploring there. I've heard multiple
times of folks going in for a "quick look" and realizing hours
have gone past. There are currently over 1500 different files
there, so hopefully everyone can find something to interest them.

Articles can be sent to me in text or Word format at
stefan at florilegium.org or stefan at texas.net . The formating
does not need to be fancy as I often have to minimize the
formatting to ensure that folks with all varieties of computers
can see the files and so they are consistant across the website.

Feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested.

THLord Stefan li Rous

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