[Ansteorra] Gulf War Rapier Kudos

James Crouchet jtc at io.com
Wed Mar 20 09:24:17 PST 2002

Kudos to Kayliegh for her work in organizing, drilling and leading our army to
victory. Kayliegh particularly impressed me with her ability to adapt to changing
conditions even amongst her own ranks in preparing for war and executing her
battle plan.

Kudos to the units that took, the time to practice, practice, practice this past year
and so were able to be more than a mob on the field. As the tactics and
strategies become more complex on the rapier field, this sort of practice -- and
even more advanced training -- will be essential if we are to keep the upper

Kudos to all those who fought in the ravine battle. Yes, the war point had been
decided by then and it was hot and many of our troops were not there (including
me). But you allowed Ansteorra to make a proud showing as we were only edged
out in the last few seconds and then only due to an ill timed HOLD. Trimaris
considered it a great accomplishment that they managed to take that battle at all
-- and so they should!

Kudos to all those fighters who are most often on the armored field but who
stood on the rapier field at GW. Thank you for saying in the most straitforward
way possible that the rapier fighters are also your brothers and sisters in arms.

Kudos to Avery, Gwenneth and Simone who held the end of the Ansteorran line
in the field battle so my unit could execute our flanking manoeuvre. You guys are
heros and champions in my book

Kudos to all the members of the unit of Heros who brought the skills in working
as a shield wall and manoeuvring in battle which they learned on the armored
field over to the rapier field. You guys were a Thor's hammer coming down on
the enemy and you gave them a schooling I think they will not soon forget.

Kudos to Duke Kien, Count Mahadi, Count Barn, Sir Emerys, Sir Guy, Sir
Giddion, and many other persons of great rank who not only fought on the rapier
field, but who did not balk at serving under commanders whom they outranked.
This is true humility of the most admirable kind.

Kudos to the toughest Trimaran rapier army we have  faced and to each
Ansteorran, Meridian and Outlander who stood against it.

Last but certainly not least, kudos to TRM Aaron and Britta for directing our
efforts with wisdom, grace and wit. Our forces were inspired to great victories
but our enemies became more our friends than ever before. I have never been
more proud to be an Ansteorran.

Baron Christian Jerome Dore, WSA

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