[Ansteorra] Re: Congratulations to Champions of the Rose!

maaggie3 at attbi.com maaggie3 at attbi.com
Tue Mar 19 08:23:05 PST 2002

There has been some discussion on the Knowne World Royal
Peers List of the chivalric Rose Tourney at Gulf War,
and Duchess Caitlin of the Middle Kingdom described a
match fought by Sir Gideon MacLeod during the tourney –
she had wanted to speak with him after the fight but
couldn’t manage it.  She asked that this be passed along
to our Kingdom’s mailing list:

Anyway- I was sitting in the farthest list from the
fort, and as I recapped the days events with several
ladies of the Rose at my encampment later on that
evening, I recounted that in his first bout of the day,
the gentleman in question told his opponent not once,
but twice, that the kill that he took (the opponent that
is) was not good; that the opponent had landed
simultaneously, and the good knight was a little slow on
the falling down follow-through part.  He didn't
announce this grandly to make a false show of his honor
to the gallery, but rather quickly and conversationally
to his opponent and for his (and honors) sake alone.  In
the third bout, the good knight in question did indeed
dispatch his opponent with style.  Honor was it's own
reward, and that was that.

I had tried to get through the crowd to tell him that
myself, but as I am little (I said short- not thin:) and
I had already been stomped on once by some really big
fella as well as having my shin gashed open by a greave
in the crush, I decided that discretion was the better
part of valor and gave up on that idea.

I was sincerely impressed with this show of courtesy and
chivalry- the man wears his belt well and is a credit to
his Kingdom

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