[Ansteorra] 1 May 37 AS

Elisabeth B. Zakes ezakes at austin.rr.com
Wed May 1 16:50:09 PDT 2002

2001, because when you count to ten, you don't stop at 9, you stop at 10.
Therefore, a multiple of ten ends with a zero. Therefore, the 20th century
ends in 2000, being a multiple of ten years.

However, since we began numbering Anno Societatis with Year 1 in 1966, it is
now A.S. XXXVII. It doesn't follow the same rule. I guess we're numbering
like the (I believe) Chinese do, counting from the first year of existence
being Year 1.

Aethelyan Moondragon
Bryn Gwlad

Okay, is this one of those 'New Math' problems like "When EXACTLY did this
new millenium start?"
BTW, what IS the answer, 2000 or 2001?!? %)

Carpe Diem Ex Illo Vitae Opprime!

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