[Ansteorra] Re: 1 May 37 AS

Marc Carlson marccarlson20 at hotmail.com
Thu May 2 11:46:18 PDT 2002

>From: L T <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com>
>>Some years ago I started doing historical research on a number of things -
>>some of this research has been seen before, some has not.  Since A lot of
>>the stuff I was doing on the history of the SCA was being done elsewhere,
>>I set it aside (so little time, so much to study).  However there were a
>>few details that you might find interesting:
>Is there any of this research avaiable publically?

The stuff that other people were doing?  Certainly -- take a look at the
Kingdom of the West's web page.  Ealdormere's has a good site on the history
of the Royalty.  Rec.Org.SCA has a number of accounts of things, but you
have to do some digging.  Stefan's Florilegium does some of that weeding for
you in the material he has compiled there.


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