[Ansteorra] A thought about why people leave for feast... oth er than the ...

Jay Yeates jyeates at realtime.net
Tue May 7 18:07:17 PDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

- -----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-admin at ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-admin at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Charlie Ribron II

My question to this is this. If your expecting 300 people to come to
the event "why get a place that will only hold 100". If I was the
event steward I would look for a place that could hold the expected
gate. I would say this would handle the problem.

in an ideal world, you can simply find a bigger hall ... in the real
world, local choices are often limited to what is available on that
particular date, within the budget you are tasked with working with,
or that will accept you back based on past problems / new management
/ etc.   it's often a matter of taking what you can get and making
the best of it.

a point to remember, if you are in a larger area that has more of
these larger sites, you might easily overlook fact that the hosts
from these smaller groups don't necessarily have the available
choices that your bigger groups do.


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