[Ansteorra] Pirates At Steppes Warlord

C E Huse cehuse at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 16 07:02:47 PDT 2002

Buenos Dias, Lady Eleanor!

It is with terror in my heart that my missive finds you. I have heard of the
rumor of this lady pirate you spoke of. My own father and brothers had the
misfortune of encountering her some years ago before my pilgramage to these
fine and fair lands.

My father is but an an ambassador. On the dreaded day he encountered her, he
was on his way home from his latest mission and had no gold or other riches
on board. Upon seeing a Spanish ship bearing the King's Flag, Jacquote
descended quickly upon my father's ship like a falcon who has spied a juicy
a rabbit. She and her crew boarded the ship my father sailed upon and her
crew quickly overtook the crew of the ship. However, when she discovered
their was no riches to be gained, she did the most horrendous thing other
than murder. She...uh...she...uh. Oh how do I phrase this?? (embarrassed
look) She ..umm...made them strip...to their....(turning brighter shade of
red)....brais and took their clothes...including the clothes in thier
cabins! My poor gentle father and brothers! Has she no scruples?!

But, I do worry so! What of our children? I will be Ministering to the
children during this most wonderous event and I am in fear of a visit from
her! Will our children be safe from her?? I only pray that this be so! I
shiver to think of how she and her crew could twist the minds of our
innocent babes!

I pray that this missive finds your lord husband safe at home...

Yours in Most Humble of Service,
Lady Maria de Vasquez

-----Original Message-----
My most dear and honored lady,

I had once thought that this was only rumour as well.
However, my lord husband, who is a seaman in his own
right, had discovered whilst inspecting the local
tavern, that the dreaded pirate Jacquote de la Hay and
her mischevious band of pirates were planning on
looting and pillaging the upcoming festivities in our
neighbouring barony.

I do believe that our most gracious and humble Lord
and Lady Elfsea as well as their Excellencies Steppes
are aware of this...planned invasion. I have been told
that Jacquote de la Hay is a terror and a woman, no
less. However, do not allow her weaker sex to deceive
you, madame; she is a fierce and dreadful pirate. Do
call your husband home. Gather your servants and warn
them accordingly. Though this may just be a rumour (I
pray by the saints that it is), it would do us good to
be on our guard.

Until your missive reaches my door, I pray you good
e'en, dear and honored lady. Godspeed this message,
and I pray your household is safe.

In humble service,
Lady Eleanor Cleavely

Postscriptum: Jacquote is fond of sending her crew out
in the form of "lords" and "ladies". Do not be fooled.
It will be difficult to recognize some of these
hideous beasts but, if one looks carefully, we may see
some within our own baronial ranks. Take care, lady.


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