[Ansteorra] A sad announcement

Tessa Nieto eleanor_cleavely at yahoo.com
Tue May 21 09:24:34 PDT 2002

Unto the greatest and most noble barony and the
mightiest and most fearsome kingdom in the Knowne
World doth her most humble servant and most loyal
subjects, Lord Sebastian de Rolstoun and Lady Eleanor
Cleavely, send their most heartfelt greetings.


for those who were unable to attend Moot last night,
it is with a sad heart that I must be the bearer of
bad tidings to you this day. My husband, Lord
Sebastian de Rolstoun, hath received a commission from
the Spanish king to seek gold in the western kingdom
of Atenveldt. It is not known when he shall return.
Therefore, I must go with him to keep him safe and to
ensure our survival. My lord and I will be departing
Elfsea on 28 June. Our ship will leave before the dawn
and we shall set sail to the New World.

Though it breaks our heart to leave our home and our
friends, know that we shall always, always be
Ansteorrans in our hearts. We shall spread the
wordfame of Elfsea and her people far and wide into
the New World. It is our hope that one day, we shall
return to these fair and fertile lands and be amongst
our friends once more.

Until then, my dear friends, we remain...

Your most humble servants,
Lord Sebastian de Rolstoun &
Lady Eleanor Cleavely

(Joe & Heather Nieto)

The human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out a tune for a dancing bear, when we hope with our music to move the stars.
- - - Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary

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