[Ansteorra] Fw: Youth Academy and office openings

Paul DeLisle ferret at hot.rr.com
Thu Nov 14 04:51:54 PST 2002

> I think you may be thinking about *fighting* in the list. AmberLea was
> talking about the List Clerk position: the one who sets up the
> rounds. I see
> absolutely no bar to an under-18 running a list (being the List Clerk). I
> can think of several right now who would do quite a good job given the
> know-how. It's teaching the know-how that the Academy would be a
> good forum
> for. I'd certainly be willing to teach that class!

*sigh* ...that's what I get for answering E-mail so late ....I had read "Run
a list" as "Marshal a list"....take all that stuff I posted...throw it in
the trash...I have no problem with the youth fighters learning to run
one...(but sticky situations *do* come up, that can't always be taught ahead
of time... I'd make sure that an experienced LM is available to answer those
kind of questions.)
I also have no problem with them Marshaling...*under direct adult
supervision*....what I thought Abmerlea was asking was that we let the youth
Marshal (as in head marshal) themselves.

(I need more sleep)

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