[Ansteorra] Veteran's Day

iainmacc at juno.com iainmacc at juno.com
Tue Nov 12 18:27:06 PST 2002

        My apologies for being a day late with this.

        Every Veteran's Day, you hear all kinds of sappy noises about
those poor men and women who risk their lives, and die in foreign lands,
and etc, etc.
        Not this time.

        Our military is all volunteers, and has been for more than 20
years (I think) now. Anyone who was drafted originally has long since had
an opportunity to get out if they wanted. They all know the risks and the
danger they face. Dying is part of a soldier's trade, and he knows it.

        The fighting and the danger are the easy part. The hard part is
something no one ever thinks about until it happens.

        So here's a prayer for the peace, the emotional recovery, and the
pride, of every man or woman who has had to stand at attention and keep
the grief from his face and the tears from his eyes... as his best friend
went by in a box with a flag over it.

                              Iain MacCrimmon

                        Cave Tyranniam Timorium Suorum

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