[Ansteorra] Scribal Scramble

lisabetta/kimberly lisabetta at ansteorra.net
Tue Nov 26 21:54:46 PST 2002

If anyone is interested in going please contact me asap.. they are willing
to check on getting discounts for hotel space..

Lady Lisabetta Micola da Monte
Coastal Regional Scribe
Kingdom of Ansteorra

The Barony of Grey Niche presents Candlemas Collegium 2003
Scribal Scramble
February 1, 2003  Rhodes College   2000 N. Parkway East   Memphis, Tn

Bring your paints! Bring your paper! Bring your books! Bring your work!
Bring it all!
Come join us for a day of scribal classes and more!
There will be classes for everyone from beginners, to advanced users, to
non-scribes. No fighting is scheduled for this event, but anyone wishing to
do some pickup  fighting will find ample space outside. An exhibition of
scribal works dusted off and brought out of the closet will astound and
amaze everyone. In the evening, after a wonderful feast featuring Spanish,
Russian and other cuisine, there will be dancing and revelry enough for

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