[Ansteorra] Archery Authorization

Harry Bilings humble_archer at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 25 04:36:00 PDT 2002

OK so as I under stand it you "must authorize" S&B or rapier before you can
authorized as CA. My question is still when will this policy change take
place? If this is the way things are going to be done what about those that
have authorized CA only from before this change happened?


humble archer
Ravens Fort Ansteorra

>HL Gilli is correct.  You have to be authorized for the type of fighting
>that is going on at the time.  If you wish to set foot on the Rapier field
>Rapier Combat Authorizing Marshal must have authorized you for Rapier
>and if you wish to set foot on the Armored field the Armored Combat
>Authorizing Marshal must authorize you for basic Armored Combat.
>In you basic authorization you learn all the "basics" like the rules of
>engagement, what it means to be properly armored, what is and what is not a
>good blow, how to die, how to obey the marshals, what to do when something
>wrong/bad happens, etc. etc.   Everyone who sets foot on the field is
>responsible for knowing all of the above.
>Then AFTER you get your basic combat authorization you can authorize in
>supplemental weapons styles like Fiberglass Spear, or Unpadded Glaive, or
>Heavy Rapier, or Missile Combat.
>A Combat Archery Authorizing Marshal can authorize you for Combat Archery
>but before you satisfy the Combat Archery Marshal that you are safe in
>combat with a bow and arrow you must first satisfy the appropriate Armored
>or Rapier Combat Marshallate that you are safe to set foot on their fields.
>For Instance, simply as Kingdom Archery Marshal I should not be able to
>authorize people to set foot on the Rapier Field without Don Iago and his
>deputies first declaring that they are safe a ready for Rapier Combat.
>Unfortunately, I don't have the time to stay on top of the rapier rules and
>something like rapier armor requirements might change and since I am not a
>rapier marshal I am often out of that marshallate loop.  It seems silly
>I should be allowed to authorize people to set foot on the rapier field if
>am not absolutely staying on top of any rapier rules changes (even if they
>are only there to use a bow).  The Rapier Authorizing Marshals will be on
>top of the rapier rules.  The Combat Archery Authorizing Marshals will stay
>on top of the Missile Combat rules.
>You are correct HL Plachoya that our kingdom handbook does not say a lot
>about the actual authorization process and the Society Handbook says even
>less.  It is clear that people are often unclear about the authorization
>process.  However, this precise topic was discussed at a recent meeting of
>the Earl Marshal and his deputies at Stargate Baronial.  All agreed that
>this was the desired and intended procedure and that it would be clarified
>in the next revision of the handbook to help avoid any further confusion.
>Always in Service,
>Lord Eadric Anstapa
>Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
>eadric at scabrewer.com

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