[Ansteorra] 3 Questions...

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Wed Sep 25 12:25:32 PDT 2002

Pug commented:
> > 1. What are 3 things you like about the SCA in Ansteorra?
> - The friends
> - The general acceptance of diversity and desire to learn new things
> - The fact that our Crowns are allowed to speak instead of
> reading a book during court

There are kingdoms where the Crown reads from a book during court?

>   As well as trying new styles such as mead done
> with airborne yeast.

In *your* kitchen I'm not sure there is much differance between
the "natural" yeasts in the air and those in the packets from
the brewing store. :-) Although I guess this might get you ale
yeast instead of wine or champagne yeasts.

Stefan li Rous

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