[Ansteorra] 3 Questions...

Riane la Cygne ladyriane at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 25 17:41:28 PDT 2002

>1. What are 3 things you like about the SCA in Ansteorra?

1)The camaraderie
2)The diversity
3)getting away from the mundane world and all its trappings

>2. What are 3 things you have been doing in the past 6 months
>in the SCA that you enjoy?

1) Sewing, sewing, sewing...add to that needlework
2) archery
3) exploring the kingdom, until recently I worked weekends and was not
   able to attend the events in regions of Ansteorra and beyond that I
   wished to.

>3. Who are 3 people in Ansteorra who best personify the attributes of

unfair question....I too will have to step out of the box yet limit my
response to three on this one. To save some time I'll list some in groups. I
admire these folks because I believe they possess the noble qualities and
charisma that best personifies Ansteorra

1) The Amazon household: Regina, all my sisters and brothers, and
   associates; especially Baroness Jan who gives her good counsel when
   asked, and supports newcomers in so many ways.

2) Countess Octavia who inspired me to become an archer and whose grace
   and style I admire greatly. All the lady fighters who
   strive to fight well on the field, yet embody all the qualities
   and characteristics of a Lady off the field.

3) Lorraine Deerslayer and AElfwyn aet Gyrwum for their tolerance
   in teaching a newbie the basics of heraldry (and for helping
   me not to look like an idiot). Include also Master Ivar Runamagi
   who gave me counsel when I heralded my first court and didn't get
   upset when I botched his name during that very court.

Lady Riane

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