[Ansteorra] Elfsea

Erik Langhans donmodius at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 30 09:20:27 PDT 2002

For all those who missed Elfsea this weekend, you missed a wonderful event.
The sky was clear, the evenings were star-filled with just the right
temperature, the culture camps well presented, and everyone appeared to have
a good time.  The culture camps shared with all who visited from delightful
food to drink to company.  Bardic and drumming was heard throughout the
site.  During the day the Chiv Defender list was Swiss 5 and won by Lord
William, HRM Squire.  The Rapier Defender List was also Swiss 5 and won by
Lord Aaron Stuart.  I didn't remember the results for the Archery and other
Baronial Defender events.

The event embodied all the finest elements which makes the SCA so
incredible. Vivats to all involved.


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