[Ansteorra] Feast Etiquette

Chandranath russ at randomgang.com
Wed Dec 31 12:49:12 PST 2003


A (very reasonable) request posted to ansteorra-announce on behalf of the 
Steppes Twelfth Night autocrats has brought a topic to my mind, and I'm in 
a twitchy enough mood to want to bring it up amongst the general public, 
such as a mailing list is ever the general public...

Why in the world does it not go without saying that you shouldn't throw the 
food at a feast (much less bring objects to HELP do so?)

Arguments against throwing food at a feast:
1. It's infantile.
2. It's disrespectful to the feast stewards.
3. It creates unnecessary work for the cleanup crew.
4. It annoys many people who paid to take part in the feast.
5. It strips the feast of all grace and dignity.
6. Did I mention it's infantile?

Arguments for throwing food at a feast:
... I can't come up with any.

I had the misfortune once to be seated at the head table at a feast and 
find myself having to dodge thrown food until I gave up on further eating 
and went back to see how the feast steward and head server were doing. 
Both were, in my judgment, incensed at this behavior at a feast into which 
they had put so much work.  Rightfully so.

I am keen to find out if anyone can explain to me why this behavior should 
not be squashed by the figures of authority whenever it occurs.  (I suppose 
with an exception for feasts that are advertised in advance as being food 
fights, for the sake of fairness.)

Yours in service,
Lord Chandranath

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