[Ansteorra] Pennsic Answers

ozymandias adams ozyadams at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 27 08:38:08 PST 2003

Drachewyn asked:

I am really new. How long is pre-registration/registration open for and what
if we are not sure we can make it?
Also what happens if you register but find you cannot make it?

Thanks for any help,

Erasmus repplies:

Welcom to the club Drachewyn, I applaud your interest in attending the
largest SCA event in the world, a scant 14 hour drive from the Ansteorran
To answer your questions, as per the official pennsic war preregistration
website website:


Preregistration ends June 1st, no exceptions. Full refunds of
preregistration deposits are possible until June 1st, partial refunds
thereafter. Since online registration is available, you can easily wait to
until the end of May to decide if you can make THE WAR and then make use of
their secure servers to register using a credit card.

You may wonder why preregistration is important, well land at Pennsic is
quite limited and if you wish to camp with a particular group you have to
register by June 1st to get your land allotment included in the land total
for your group. Our group for registration purposes is Kingdom of Ansteorra.
To my knowledge we have never turned away an Ansteorran needing space to
camp, regardless of if they preregistered or not, there have been many years
where we were packed in like sweaty sardines due to an overwhelming number
of last minute or poorly planned arrivals. I would like to avoid this at all
costs this year, to make the war more pleasant for all of us.

Thank you for your interest, please feel free to contact me privately, or on
the list if you have any further questions.


http://www.pennsicwar.org/penn32/    General war page.

http://www.cooperslake.com/prereg32.htm    Individual pre-reg

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