[Ansteorra] gonna stir some bunnies

ThoraOdottir at aol.com ThoraOdottir at aol.com
Fri Jan 17 09:19:24 PST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I am sure this bunnie pot has been stirred before but I don't recall being
around for the conversation.

I was sitting around with some friends and one of them mentioned that rapier
fighters cannot become King because Kings are always choosen by heavy combat.

I was wondering if the way Kings are determined is set by Corpora or by
Kingdom Law.

If it is by KIngdom law and we choose two Kings a year why don't we do one
tourney as Rapier and one as Heavy so that both forms of man to man combat
have a chance at the Throne?

I am sure there must be plenty of folks out there in the Rapier community
that would make excellent Kings.

Just curious mind you.   Perfectly happy with their Majesties.

Thora Olafsdottir

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