[Ansteorra] king of the east..please pass along

Patrick Cuccurello pat at adtelusa.com
Mon Jan 20 08:10:16 PST 2003

My personal feeling is that Rule of Law is merely the form of governance of
a free people.  At any point in time where Laws are enforced simply for the
sake of their weight on paper, and not for the good of the Society they
protect--you enter the path of Despotism.  In a free Society, Laws are the
vehicle of maintaining the common good.  In Despotism, Laws are the excuse
to deny people their Freedom or Liberty.

That is why the United States has the Judiciary--that is why the Society has
the Board of Directors.  When either of those fall back on the Law without
rational debate of the issues, they fail to protect those people who they
are expected to govern.  That should also be the point where a free people
express their displeasure in a socially acceptable manner to not only those
who interpret the Law, but those who create it.

However, I have been know to be wrong  <<grin>>

  (now where did I leave my beer?)

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