[Ansteorra] Favorite Tourney Style

ozymandias adams ozyadams at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 29 07:21:59 PST 2003

My usual favorite, although it always seems to cause dissent, is a swiss
My new favorite, which seems very popular up here in the Middle Kingdom is
called a "pool" tourney. The feild is broken down into smaller groups i.e.
this weekend there were 49 fighters, broken into seven pools of seven
fighters. Youe fight everyone in your pool and the top five advance to the
next round (i know it sounds like alot, but the idea is to get lots of
fighting in). This keeps going each round until there is one pool left and
the winner of the final pool is the winner of the tourney. The number of
fighters advancing from each round was reduced slightly in the higher pools.
The final pool had six. This does necesitate multiple lists.


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