[Ansteorra] Epithets for Landed Nobility

Chris Zakes moondrgn at austin.rr.com
Thu Jul 31 16:47:22 PDT 2003

At 06:09 PM 7/31/03 -0500, you wrote:

>"Their Oaken Excellencies" speaks of the stalwart strength of the Oak Tree
>and of Their Excellencies Steppes.
>Morgan the Taller

Let's see...

Steppes: Their Downtrodden Excellencies

Stargate: Their Spaced-Out Excellencies

Bjornsborg: Their Bare Excellencies

Bordermarch: Their Borderline Excellencies

Elfsea: Their Fair, but Soggy Excellencies

Eldern Hills: Their Ancient Excellencies

Bonwicke: Their Bonwicked Excellencies

Namron: Their Twisted (or perhaps Blowhard) Excellencies

Ravensfort: Their Flighty Excellencies

Northkeep: Their Distant Excellencies

Bryn Gwlad: Their Magnificent Excellencies (hey, I live there; you think I
want the Baronial Guard knocking on my door at 3:00 A.M.? <G>)

	-Tivar Moondragon

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