[Ansteorra] Just a Question

Karolus Karolus at gte.net
Sun Jun 29 10:33:06 PDT 2003

Why should he?  because current tactics haven't worked?  Everyone seems to
agree it's a problem, and everyone seems to agree what has been done in the
past hasn't worked.  So why not change it?  Yes it might seem beneath a King
and our image of a King to do these things.  But let's recall that while
many folks say "Oh yes he's King and we treat him as such" very few do.  Our
Kings have no real power, as previously mentioned to punish those talking,
short of banishing them from court.

Let's face it, the common SCAer would ignore a request to step outside the
hall to chat by your average run of the mill Lord or Lady in the SCA.  I
think they would lower their voices more, but actually leave rather than
shut up?  Not going to happen.  However there is a bit of magic that comes
with the Crowns, and to a large extent those hats with leaves, and any such
request by those IN person directly face to face with those in violation
would likely have more weight than you or I saying Shush at the back of the
room to them.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rod Jackson" <culn97 at yahoo.com>
To: "Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc." <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Just a Question

> At the risk of beating a dead horse.  Why should His Majesty have to get
within dagger range?  His word should be heard from one end of this Kingdom
to the other.  And he should never have had to say anything!?
> Colin
> Karolus <Karolus at gte.net> wrote:
> Ah but you failed to see the part where the King would walk right UP to
> them. It's alot easier to pretend it's not you when they are over 300 feet
> away and when the King is less than 2 feet from you being very specific to
> who he is talking to.
> Karolus

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