[Ansteorra] Academy of the Bow/Investiture this weekend

Reihla at aol.com Reihla at aol.com
Fri Jun 27 07:30:35 PDT 2003

Top ten reasons to attend Academy of the Bow this coming weekend (please feel 
free to cross-post to any appropriate lists):

10)  You have some really neat archery equipment, but you often find you 
can't hit the broad side of a... (or even if you CAN, but you know there is always 
room for improvement).

9)  You don't actually have any archery equipment, but were thinking of 
getting some and wanted to know what kind of bow is right for you.

8)  You like learning about any subject, but would especially enjoy knowing 
more about this very period sport.

7)  You've always wanted to participate in the fighting at Gulf War but had 
no idea where to start.  Combat Archery wants YOU!  

6)  You've been looking for another opportunity to shoot and submit 
IKAC/IKCAC/Royal Round scores on behalf of Ansteorra.

5)  You want to see some of the pageantry usually reserved for the Tourney 
Field applied to Ansteorra's archery competitors at the Royal Huntsman Tourney.

4)  You like seeing folks recognized in court for their contributions to 
Ansteorra's archery community.

3)  You enjoy summer events, good feasts, Court ceremony (hey, we've got an 
investiture going on!), spending time with friends and revelry.

2)  If you don't come out you'll miss the opportunity to have your own copies 
of the really beautiful event booklets (the Academy Proceedings and the 
Commemorative Investiture booklet).  These are *nice*, folks, and were graciously 
constructed by our new Kingdom Chronicler.

and the number one reason you've just GOT to come to the Kingdom Academy of 
the Bow & Wiesenfeuer's Baronial Investiture:

1)  You already know how entertaining Lucais can be as a court herald!  Wait 
til you see him on "the other side of the chair"!!!!

OK, shameless plugs over with, on to the business side of things.  

Morning Court on Saturday is set for 8:30am.  Yup.  Real time.  Every effort 
will be made to see to it that there is coffee available at the pavilion up 
the hill...  Classes are scheduled to start at 9:00am and will run until 1pm.  
The archery range will be open for IKAC/Royal Round shooting during that same 
time period.  At approximately 2pm, the Royal Huntsman Tournament will be held. 

For non-archers, there will be a variety of other activities during the day:  
Chivalric melee fighting, rapier pick-up fights, court dancing and an arts 
and sciences competition and a seneschal's class are just a few examples.  

We look forward to seeing everyone!
- Kat
Baroness of Wiesenfeuer (soon to be retired :-) 

To help everyone plan their morning, the Academy class schedule is as follows:
CLASS AREA 1 - Preparing to Marshal Combat Archery  - Eadric Anstapa

CLASS AREA 2 - Arrow Shaft Construction - Rumil Fletcher 

AT THE RANGE - Setting up and running a range – Gilbert ostWestley



CLASS AREA 1 - Construction of Combat Arrows and Bolts –Eadric Anstapa

CLASS AREA 2 - Stringmaking – Jacques the Spink

AT THE RANGE: Sighting and Anchor points – Elric Dracwin



CLASS AREA 1 - Calibrating your bow scale – Eadric Anstapa(paper presentation)

CLASS AREA 2 - Construction of the Thrust/Throw Javelin -Iaen Mor

AT THE RANGE: Shooting for beginners/range etiquette – EarlBarn 
Silveraxe/Ivar Brokksen



CLASS AREA 1 - Building a spining jig – Ivar Brokksen

CLASS AREA 2 - The making of footed arrows – Jacques theSpink

AT THE RANGE - Understanding your bow – Artair MacMora


NOTE:  The Children’s Archery class previously scheduled for 11am has been 
cancelled by the instructor.   

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