[Ansteorra] A&S Judging, formerly Chivalric, Rapier, and A&S Lists

letebts at earthlink.net letebts at earthlink.net
Wed May 28 09:54:06 PDT 2003

Concerning A&S Judging (not the Populace Favorite category):

In several State Fair Competitions I entered (and won) years ago, there was
a winner in each individual medium. One overall winner was picked from all
the media winners. If it works in the mundane world, could it work for us?

To lighten the load on the judges, perhaps those of us who have Sable
Thistles (and wear our award that day, as proof of our expertise) in a
particular field (and are not competing?) could register in that/those
field(s) to act as limited Deputy Judges and make recommendations to the
higher-ups as to the quality and merits we found in our awarded field(s).
The final decisions would, of course, be made by the top judges' circle,
especially if there is a "body of work" category.

Documentation, at present, doesn't follow a prescribed format and that makes
the life of a judge become frantic when time constraints and numbers of
entrants collide. It makes for complaints from entrants that the judges
"never looked at my documentation, because what they said was missing was
right there"... but it was located on Page 57!

Perhaps documentation could have a short form (when time is of the essence),
say, no more than two or three sentences, followed by a longer form (when
finely detailed information would be more helpful), pictures, etc, and an
addendum including whatever else the entrant would like to share.

Perhaps this setup could work in other fields, as well. Ideas, good gentles?

As to the awards, I worked on both the large original and small copied
scrolls for Warlord XXX, so I know the following "works." For the
smaller-sized, pre-printed scrolls, it wasn't that much trouble to
previously fill in the individual event, the month and year. The minute the
event was over, runners came with the name and day date to be inscribed for
the winners. Works really well 'til someone "invents" a new category and
needs a scroll for that, too, but even that is not that disconcerting. A
Combat Scribe just does it -part of the job- and goes on...

[A hint to the scribe designing the small scrolls as camera-ready art:
design them to be flush left rather than centered, so you don't have to
letter the name's underlays once for spelling, another time for correct
penpoint size, letter shape and spacing, plus the center's denotation, and a
final time (corrected and centered) on the also center-measured scroll
itself. Nit-picky scribes sometimes take this repetitive approach to make it
look professional. Non-scribes usually think we just sit down and dash off
final lettering in one "go" without any pre-planning. Ha! Fat chance! :-D]

Just trying to be of help...

Lete Bithespring
Sable Thistle in Calligraphy
New "baby" Oak [Gee, thanks for the term, Muireann! ;-)
     and *proudly* wearing Lasair and Susanna's "Rebel Scribes' Oakleaf"

on 5/27/03 2:32 PM, Ciard49 at aol.com at Ciard49 at aol.com wrote:

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I do not like A&S competitions where there is only one overall winner. This
> discourages too many artisans from even showing, and every artisan save one
> goes away with nothing.
> Give the populace more than one vote/bead. Why not, say, 5 beads all of equal
> value?
> HL Juliana had a great idea for the bead containers at Steppes warlord, where
> tin cans were topped with cloth that had a slit to insert the bead but one
> could not see how many beads had been awarded.
> In a large A&S event where there may be 30 or more entrants, having only one
> winner is terrible.
> I'd like to see winners in each of many mediums - such as embroidery,
> carving, spinning, pottery, illumination, etc, etc. chosen by popular acclaim
> through
> the hidden bead idea.
> Each artisan would be able to enter items in several different mediums.
> Prize scrolls could be laid out so the winning medium is filled in at the
> event - that way if no entries were made in certain areas, the scribe's
> efforts
> would not be lost on an unused scroll.
> HL Ciard O'Seachnasaigh
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