[Ansteorra] Notes on Warlord

iainmacc at juno.com iainmacc at juno.com
Tue May 27 16:27:15 PDT 2003

        I'm really not the person to address this, but I can possibly
give a bit of perspective, subject to the correction of those better
informed than I.

        The question was asked, "Are there really 1500-2000 people at

        It is my understanding that the gate count has been in the 750 to
1000 range fairly consistently for the last few years. On a guess, I'd
say probably 80-90% of those camp on site. Being Warlord XXX, the Event
Staff not unreasonably expected a larger crowd than usual this year.
        Also, the trend has consistently been for Warlord to be a larger
draw every year. Yes, we could look for a site that will hold 1000, but
that does not allow for a larger than usual crowd, nor does it allow for
continued growth. Surely the size of the event will "peak" at some point,
but I for one wouldn't want to hazard a guess at where that peak will be.
Therefore, if we go to a site where 1500 on site is a "full house", we
can reasonably expect to be looking for yet another site 5-10 years from
now, right about the time that the site we moved to from Canton has
become "comfortable" and "traditional". When we begin looking for that
site that will hold 2000 comfortably, where will we be looking? Canton
again? It seems likely. Given that, I would think that working with the
Canton site staff to solve problems would be more productive than seeking
a "quick fix".
        Certainly, if we can find a site that meets our needs better than
Canton, we should check into it. And when you are attempting to dry
practically everything you own, and assessing the loss of things that
cannot be replaced at any price, I realize that patience comes hard.
Nonetheless, Their Excellencies and others have evidently chosen to keep
in mind that, "If you can't find time to do it right, how will you find
time to do it again?" No matter how hard it is to be patient, I don't
think we can seriously question the wisdom of that approach.
        By all means, we should all be on the lookout for a better site.
In the meantime, we might see about acquiring a drainage map of the
Canton site, and reassessing camping/merchant arrangements and security

                              In Joyful Service,

                                      Iain MacCrimmon

                    Cave Tyranniam Timorium Suorum

P.S. To all those who know the situation better than I do, or am ever
likely to: Please check me for errors or misconceptions. Where you find
them, please put me in my place.

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