[Ansteorra] Some questions

Susan O'Neal catmafia at direcway.com
Wed Nov 19 23:14:13 PST 2003

At 10:13 PM 11/19/2003, you wrote:
>Lilies can be rather hot. Prepare for it and count on reducing or 
>modifying your activities in the afternoon.

Thank you as usual Stefan and I loved the shipbuilding link.  I should have 
inserted my being able to go to Lillies is predicated on having found crash 
space near the site.  I have no heat tollerance and found out this last 
Castellan a great way to go to summer events, night trip.  As opposed to 
those who go for the days activities and then go home-I got there as the 
sun was setting and then stay for all the fun night stuff and went home 
with the sun rise.  From what I have heard of Lillies, all the great fires 
and singing and discussion will be my favorite thing-so what I am looking 
forward to.

Thank you all for the information,

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