[Ansteorra] best of the best

Chris Zakes moondrgn at austin.rr.com
Fri Oct 31 13:10:28 PST 2003

At 06:01 PM 10/30/03 -0600, you wrote:
>Zach wrote:
>> Is that really allowed?  I thought that to fight in Crown you had to
promise that you wanted the crown.  I figured that it might make a few
people upset it I fought in Crown with no desire to be king.  (Mind you I
am a newbie and unless I spiked everyone’s Kool-Aid I haven’t a chance to win)
>> Is it acceptable to fight in Crown and lose at the last minute so as not
to have to be king?
>That's really two questions.
>Is it acceptable to fight in Crown with no intention of winning?
>Yes.  Some fighters will enter, and withdraw at a point prior to the 
>Is it acceptable to throw a fight in Crown?
>Acceptable but poor form, IMO.
>Someone could enter, and during the finals realize (PANIC! PANIC! OH 
>MY GOD, WHAT AM I DOING?!?!?) that they don't want to be Crown.
>Better form would be to resign before the final, or yield  without 
>fighting, rather than throwing the bout.
>my 2 cents
>David Gallowglass

That's one point of view. There are others. 

*My* take on the matter is that if I'm not willing to assume the burden and
duties of being King, then I have no business fighting in Crown Tournament.
(That's why I've never fought in Crown Tournament--I don't want the job.) 

Granted, even on my best day I didn't stand a snowball's chance of winning,
but that's beside the point. To my mind, entering a tournament says "I
would like to win this tournament, and am willing to accept any rights and
responsibilities that come with winning."

	-Tivar Moondragon

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