[Ansteorra] Interesting Photos

Lady Deirdre ladydeirdre at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 30 16:01:51 PDT 2003


I recently stumbled across 2 photos in a museum (framed with info on
Maxmillian I, Holy Roman Emperor) that I found quite interesting.
Someone, somewhere has found a couple of old (I'm assuming) photos of SCA
events. The first photo was very grainy and difficult to identify with any
clarity any person.  There were several fighters carrying large red shields
with a black charge - might have been a bird wing or something similar.  In
the middle of the field, there was a man I might assume was a marshal -
wearing what looked like a turquiose colored t-shirt and a cowboy hat. There
were very few trees and 2 vehicles in the background.

The second photo was just as grainy. It was taken from behind a row of
people watching the field. One of the observers was carrying what my
Calontir escort called 'an Ansteorran barn door' for a shield.  One gentle
was wearing a faded purple tunic and another had what looked like a puppy on
his tunic. There were several trees in the background of this photo, and no

They were the only 2 photos I found in the whole place that are SCA - the
cars in the background make them a little out of place in their medieval

I know this is a long shot, but if any of this sounds familiar to anyone,
I'm very curious to identify the photos. I only wish I could supply more

Please feel free to email me off-list if you have any idea what either of
these might be.


Lady Deirdre

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