[Ansteorra] Found in packed up box (was "Lost at Defender of the Fort")

Gerald Norris jerryn at houston.rr.com
Sun Sep 21 16:29:45 PDT 2003

Greetings all.

Earlier I had reported a missing wallet.  It was in one of the pack-up boxes
from this morning.

Thank you for any who have looked through their stuff in hopes of finding

While I'm here, I'd like to thank Honorable Lady Eleanor Fairchild for
acting as co-host at the bardic circle this weekend at Ravensfort's Defender
of the Fort.

For those who were not able to attend, you missed some excellent stories
from Sir William of Wier, TWO pieces from a modest Don Iago, to name just a

In addition, I would like to join HL Eleanor in trying to start a few
traditions in our bardic circles.  Henceforth, I will ensure that there is a
station for a Guest Cup, as well as refreshments to drink from it, at all
bardic circles that I am hosting.  I would encourage all bards hosting
circles in our kingdom to share in this tradition.

My thanks to all who joined us in revelry and rememberance, and hope to see
others join in the fun.

In service to the dream with a song in my heart, I am
HL Gerald of Leesville
Ravenskald of Ravensfort
A bard of Stargate
Kingdom Ansteorra

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