[Ansteorra] Questions 7/18

Brian & Pam Martin twinoak at cox-internet.com
Mon Jul 26 15:02:47 PDT 2004

1. What attracted you to the SCA?
Originally it was the stories about the people their deeds told to me by a
young man who, at the time, played in the SCA. I stayed because I became
enchanted by the fighting and the stories I heard told by Ragnar and others.

2. What is your perspective of what the SCA is to you?
A fun hobby with a great deal of meaning and import to me, but a hobby none
the less.

3. Where do you invest the most time and energy in the SCA (household, local
group, kingdom, specific activity)
On kingdom level participation at this point, though it was been scattered
throughout my SCA experience. 

 4. How long before you started to take initiative in the SCA (applying for
an office, organizing an activity, etc.?)
About three months.

 5. Were there instances that could have "run you out of the SCA"..why did
they not...or why did you come back?
Not really - I don't take things that seriously in SCA. There is no real
power, only imagined or pretended power. Therefore how difficult could any
so called politics be?

6. How long before you burned out? Why did you burn out? Is there anything
anyone could have done to help keep you from "burning out"? 
I've never burned out, perhaps because I've taken breaks now and again. 

7. What do you get out of the SCA?
Fun, inspiration and a lot of great friends.

 8. If you have your AoA...how long did you get it after starting to
participate in the SCA?
One year
and last but not least...why do you think that people should join the SCA
and stay in it?
Because it's fun and if they're still having fun. If you're not having fun
in the SCA you should either change what you're doing or get out of it.

Lorraine DeerSlayer

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