[Ansteorra] Middle Eastern Dance

Virginia Lively vlively at houston.rr.com
Wed Jul 14 11:47:27 PDT 2004

I would like to extend a hearty VIVAT! to the winner of the Middle
Eastern Dance at 25th Year.  Lady Toryn, you are a joy to watch and I
look forward to the competition next year.

To all of the Dancers who spent countless hours preparing for the
competition and sharing your art in front of Ansteorra, I thank you.

I would also like to extend my profound gratitude to the judges and the
drummers who spent hours of their time in support of the dancers.

It has come to my attention that there has been some negative comments
toward some of the dancers and their style in the competition on this
list.  It literally breaks my heart to hear of people not supporting
others in their art. 

I have been dancing in the SCA for over 15 years.  I have been called
everything from unladylike and worse due to the art I have chosen.  I
have seen Middle Eastern Dance evolve from something you did in the
parking lot to what it is becoming today.  Even at this event, our
classes were held outside due to some people complaining about sharing
hall space with us.  

If you truly wish to help dancers and not defame them, I would suggest
you do what I do -- teach.  Gift dancers with period clothing for their
efforts, or give them largess in the form of books that are period in

ALL of the dancers in this Kingdom are my sisters.  I will happily stand
with them and rejoice in their dance. 

If there are any comments about the competition and or the form, please
contact me off list.  I can be reached at vdlively at yahoo.com or

In Service to the Dream,
Honorable Lady Rhiannon
Premier Middle Eastern Dancer of Ansteorra
Premier Middle Eastern Dancer of Elfsea
Co-Premier Dancer of Loch Sollier

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