[Ansteorra] Playing the Prize

James Crouchet james at crouchet.com
Mon Sep 27 13:11:20 PDT 2004

Forwarded by request:

Greetings to all rapier fighters, courtiers, cavaliers and duelist of the Know 
World. Don Benedict Ashton invites one and all to come and participate in a 
most notable and excellent opportunity to show your skill, panache and flair 
at this year's Known World Academy of the Rapier. You will have the 
opportunity to "Play the Prize" in a replica of Shakespeare's Globe theatre, 
on the stage just as was done in period. Delight the audience, or suffer 
their jeers, as you demonstrate your skill and knowledge of the Art of 
Defense of all to see.

The Playing of the Prizes will be held on Friday, October 8th at the Castle 
Garriot site where the melees will also be held. The Playing of the Prizes 
will begin at 10am in the Curtain Theatre and continue until 4pm or all of 
the Prizes have been fought. If there is time after all of the Prizes have 
been fought, we will be able to have open free play on the stage of the 

In order to assure that all those who wish to play Prizes at the event are 
able to, the Prizes will be run on a schedule. This schedule will allow each 
Prize Player to have the stage for 30 minute blocks and they will be able to 
fight up to three separate fighter in two weapons styles each. This means 
that each Prize Player may have up to a total of 6 fights in his allotted 
time slot. This should allow plenty of time for all of the fighters to 
participate and still allow for plenty of fighting.

In order to be placed on the schedule all you need to do is email me( at 
prize at kwar.swordworks.org) and request a 30 minute time slot between 10am and 
3:30pm. The hour between 12-1pm is not available due to lunch being held in 
the theatre, but some entertainment on the stage will be provided for your 
amusement. Scheduling will be done on a first come, first served basis. If 
you have specific time requirements due to travel and arrival times, please 
schedule early to ensure you get the time you need.

This Playing of the Prizes will be a great experience that will only be made 
better by those participating. In period the Playing of Prizes was a cause 
for parades and celebration. Please feel free to include as much pomp and 
circumstance in your Prizes as you would like. Some basic ideas would be: 
handbills, banners, fliers, heralds, musicians, ect. If you have any ideas or 
questions about what you would like to do, please feel free to email me at 
this address.

Think about this, when is the next time you will be able to fence in a period 
theatre on a stage with spectators?

In Service to Crown and Kingdom, Benedict Ashton, WSA 
prize at kwar.swordworks.org

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