[Ansteorra] regarding Mooneschadowe Guardian

Zubeydah zubeydah at northkeep.org
Tue Sep 28 17:57:26 PDT 2004

If you missed this amazing event, let your hearts now be heavy, and promise yourself to make the journey next year. This awe-inspiring group put on a stunning celebration of the arts and sciences, of chivalry and honor, of combat and courtliness.

It's my pleasure to host a chronicle of various events, and Mooneschadowe Guardian is no exception.

Ansteorra, you are invited to visit and peruse....   http://zubeydah.northkeep.org/events.htm  - Please scroll to the bottom of the page, and enjoy any of the following: 

- 2 pages of photos of the vigil site, grounds, gentles present, combats, people, events...
- 1 page of photos of the arts & sciences competitions, taken by Lady Faolan MacFarland. Further information on identifying each artisan and project is very very welcome - please email me off list at zubeydah at northkeep.org 
- An event review by yours truly.
- An event review by HL Gilyan  (rwp)
- An event review by HL Ian dun Gillian, (rwp)
- An event review by HE Guardian Nazir, (rwp)
- An event detail by Lord Arthur Blackmoon, KAA, (rwp)
- The full menu for the feast in celebration of Centurion Owen's vigil before accepting the belt and chain, provided by HL Elizabeth de Calais
- A description of the meaning and history of each item on Centurion Owen's day vigil altar, by HE Mistress 'Stacia, (rwp)
- Some words of thanks by Marchog Owen, originally posted to Mooneschadowe & House Halfiras lists, (rwp)

I hope that if you were not able to attend this encredible event, that the tales and image shared here inspire you to attend next year, when Ansteorra must battle to regain so many of Mooneschadowe's championships back from Calontir!

Ever in service,

Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyya

* (rwp = Reposted With Permission - each was gathered from one of several regional / group lists, and permission gained for its posting.)

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