[Ansteorra] Archery at Guardian of The Tor

Wes Duke fearghus at elfsea.net
Wed Apr 27 12:48:29 PDT 2005


This weekend Dragonsfire Tor will be chosing there champions in 
Chivalric, Archery and Rapier.  As the current Archery Guardian of the 
Tor, I will be running the tourney to chose the next Champion.  In 
keeping with the type of  tourney that is run for the Chivalric and 
Rapier Champions, we will be having a bear pit archery shoot.  This will 
be a head to head shoot, we will be shooting at unknown ranges out to 
appoximately 25 yards. As I said it will be head to head with the winner 
of each round getting 2 points, the loser 1 point. The winner may hold 
the field for up to 3 rounds and then must get back in line to shoot 
again. We will run this for about 3 hours. At the end of the time points 
will be tabulated. So come and be prepared to shoot alot of arrows.

Arcus Fearghus MacKenna
Archery Guardian of the Canton of Dragonsfire Tor

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