[Ansteorra] helping those in need

Ambience ambience at direcway.com
Wed Aug 31 14:26:44 PDT 2005

Greetings Ansteorra,

My heart is warmed with the outpouring of love and concern for
the victims of Katrina.  Many relief efforts are being coordinated.
Lots of people are looking into how to get items to those in need in
the storm ravaged areas.  Please be aware that the may be refugees
in your local area.  Many people left with the warnings and may have
travelled to friends and family in your area.  Many may not be able
to return home for weeks or months, and may not have anything to
return to.  I encourage you to check with your local charities.
These folks are going to need things to get by with until they can get
home.  Some may just decide to relocate and need household items
to restart.  Many of us have extra items we can donate to these people.

kingdom hospitaler


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