[Ansteorra] Land - was Question 12/13

Jan Van Zandt hejanais at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 18 19:08:00 PST 2005

  There have been incidences in which a group had all of their things stored in someone's private shed and then - out of the blue - the group is told to come get the stuff immediately because the owners want the space for something else.  Or...the shed owner gets mad at the group and says he/she isn't going to play anymore and  won't let the group have their property.  There have been shed owners who used - at random - anything he/she wanted to use out of the shed  at any time - after all it is in his/her shed on his/her private property - and then the items didn't get put back and disappeared.  Sometimes people begin to feel as if they personally own SCA property - especially if they were the person responsible, once upon a time, for purchasing the items with SCA funds for the group and they also have possession of it on their property.
  We've all had that dream of winning the lottery and building a castle and offering all the amenities to our friends.  Who knows, it might work unless you have to deal with someone who feels they have the right (which legally they do) to be the 'overseer'/boss/in-charge-of-everything that happens on the site.  How about when the owners tell the group who and who can not come on their property?
  It all sort of depends on the history of the honor and attitudes of the people involved.  What would you tell someone who wants the group's things stored on their private property when, in the past, they got mad and quit playing with the group - then they came back and want every one to trust them again?  
  I'm not saying, 'don't trust anyone' - but it is few problems like these that have caused our Game to have to make more and more rules that all of us have to follow.  Just be careful and know who you are dealing with.
  Wish I had a simple solution...
  Baroness Jan 
  Ciard wrote:
  What sort of problems have arisen in the past?
In a message dated 12/18/2005 7:28:36 AM Central Standard Time,  
gilli at hot.rr.com writes:

Yeap,  I've seen that too.  For some, a handshake and a few words gets it  
done. For others; lots of ink, a small forest and a platoon of lawyers  might 
still not get it done.
You're right.  It's can be most  amazing to see how a members selfless 
generosity can be turned  around.
But, people can be amazing.

----- Original  Message ----- 
From: "L T" <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com>
To:  <ansteorra at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:49  AM
Subject: Land - Re: [Ansteorra] Question 12/13
> You're  right Gilli...
>  It's amazing how complicated things get  very quickly when personal land 
> is used for group events or  storage...>
>  It's a situation that needs to be thought out  throughly...and contracts 
> drawn up...otherwise there are  misunderstandings on both sides...
>  L  DeerSlayer


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