[Ansteorra] Easy A&S judging sheets

Brian & Pam Martin twinoak at cox-internet.com
Thu Feb 24 06:20:43 PST 2005

In the case of judging sheets, I would refer people to the Ansteorran Laurel
judging forms which can be found on the State of the Arts website
(http://www.ansteorra.org/orders/peerage/laurel/). These judging forms have
been in use for a few years now and are reviewed/revised annually to help
ensure that they are up to date and applicable to A&S competitions.


-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces+twinoak=cox-internet.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-bounces+twinoak=cox-internet.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of Mahee
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 2:34 AM
To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ansteorra] Easy A&S judging sheets

Once many years ago for a Squires and Cadets event I created some judging
sheets that were quick and easy to use. A few years later I was asked about
my easy sheets...but could not find an example of one to show. Well, I found
part of one today.  I do not remember which Laurel asked me for them, so I
will describe what I have to the best of my ability and hope it makes it to
the right person.

max score was 10 points
Authenticity of Entry (0-1.5pts)
 1=sort of, but can explain or yes and can not explain
 1.5=yes and can explain
Authenticity of materials (0-1.5pts)
 1=sort of, but can explain or yes and can not explain
 1.5=yes and can explain
Authenticity of Technique (0-1.5pts)
 1=sort of, but can explain or yes and can not explain
 1.5=yes and can explain
Overall impressio of entry and interview (0-2pts)
 .5=really nice
 2=OH, MY GOD!

Obviously this is only 6,5 points out of 10. If I am lucky I will find a
whole sheet somewhere someday. It was a quick and easy form to use and all
documentation was done orally, not written.  There were 3 more catagories,
but I do not remember them at this time.

your servant,

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