[Ansteorra] Armor....what a pain

Carl Chipman cchipman at nomadics.com
Mon Jul 18 11:53:49 PDT 2005

Howdy Muriel, the first place to start is the "Complete Participants Handbook"  which can be found at 


http://armored.ansteorra.org is another good reference.

It contains rules for what you gotta wear, what it has to be made out of, and in what manner you can hit people with.  You'll probably need someone (i.e. local knight marshal) to help you with the confusing parts of the handbook.  

Regarding supplies, there are a wide variety of vendors and suppliers, so it will probably be most beneficial for you to look at what you want to make first, and then proceed with more specific questions from there.  

I.e. "How do I get a shield" is a big question where as "where can I find good luminum for a shield" is a easier one to answer.

Also, Stefan's floregium probably has some good resources too.

Jean Paul

Carl Chipman
Nomadics, Inc.
cchipman at nomadics.com

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-bounces+cchipman=nomadics.com at ansteorra.org [mailto:ansteorra-bounces+cchipman=nomadics.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Ronda Roberts
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 12:17 PM
To: ansteorra at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Ansteorra] Armor....what a pain 

I am searching for someone to assist me in getting my shield, sword, helm 
and leg armor ready so that I can find a place to get authorized at before 
Gothic Wars gets here.  All I need is someone to tell me what I need to get 
for this task, and perhaps show me how to do it or tell me how, then I will 
do it myself, then perhaps set a time aside where we will meet,  be it at my 
home or theirs to get the job done.  You can respond to me privately by 
e-mail if you wish, as the list has been rather cluttered up here 

Thanks so much in advance!

In Service to the Dream,
Muriel filia Donaldi de Skia
Barony of Bryn-Gwlad
The Silver Fox Squadron
Ambassador to Atlantia

How many Knights does it take to light a fire?

None!  That's what squires are for!


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