[Ansteorra] chili at Lilie's War

Ambience ambience at direcway.com
Thu May 5 09:41:33 PDT 2005

Good day and well wishes to you,

I received the following letter.  If you are going to Lilies and know who 
is planning the chili party, would you please
write to me?  I would like to give Baron Magnus a reply.


aferrell at direcway.com
ambience at direcway.com

>Greetings Your Excellency <mailto:hospitaler at ansteorra.org>Maslowska,
>I am Baron Magnus Anskegg of Coeur d'Ennui, Calontir.
>I hope this missive finds you well.
>Last year at Lilies War, some folks from Ansteorra had a chili party on 
>Wednesday night. At the same time all the groups in Iowa were hosting a 
>joint party. The Ansteorrans ended up bringing the chili over and 
>combining the two parties...it was a GREAT success.
>Once again the groups of Iowa are planning a joint party for Wednesday 
>night. We are wondering if any of your people are planning another chili 
>party? If so, we also wondered if they would like to throw in with us from 
>the very beginning. We will be posting flyers at the war and if they 
>decide to go in with us, we will make sure your kingdom gets full credit 
>for it's efforts.
>I wish I could be more help in identifying who these wonderful people were 
>but I was so busy hosting the party I never got their names.
>Any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated.
>In Service,
>Baron Magnus Anskegg

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