[Ansteorra] Warlord -- Clean Out Your Sewing Room!

lizdenpeters at juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Sun May 22 09:29:43 PDT 2005

Good Gentles,

I recently received my July issue of Sew News.  There was an article
about Major Annette Dawson who is teaching women sewing to help generate
income.  As many of you know, in Iraq, many women do not have the
education and skills to support or supplement their family income.  Major
Dawson is working very hard to help these women better themselves. 
However, she is in need of supplies for her sewing classes.

Since the generosity of Ansteorrans is legend, I was hoping that you
could clean out your sewing rooms and baskets so that we can send Major
Dawson supplies to help her in her endeavor.  Since her classes cover
handbags to clothing as well as various sewing skills, many things are
needed.  (A list is appended below.) That blue velvet that looked so good
in the store but when you got it home . . . That piece of fabric that is
too small to do much with but too good to throw away, well donate them! 
Also, since it is expensive to ship items, a cash donation for shipping
would be helpful also.

With the cooperation and support of our autocrat for this event, we will
have a donation center in the hall area near the Scribes' Area.  I hope
to see you there and I will have the article so you can read what this
wonderful lady is doing for the women of Iraq.

Yours In Service,

Lady Fionnghuala the Fair or "Nuala" 
Barony of the Steppes
List of  Needed Items

Sewing Machines
Sewing Machine Manuals (They will translate these into Arabic)
Maintenance Tools for Sewing Machines
Basic Sewing Supplies
Laptop Computers (for training sessions)
LCD Projector (for training sessions)

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