[Ansteorra] Library at Steppes Warlord

Ciard49 at aol.com Ciard49 at aol.com
Thu May 26 13:58:26 PDT 2005

Greetings Good Gentles,

At  Steppes Warlord we shall gather a Library. 

Please bring your books  to share for the weekend, and 2 copies of your book 
list. Don't worry, you  can make your list at check in if necessary and make a 
copy  then.

All subjects are welcome.  What obscure titles and subjects do  you own?  I 
have one on Anglo-Saxon Grammar.

Children's Books are  very welcome.

The books will be securely checked in and out only to their  owners, and 
never leave the guarded area.

I have never had any trouble  with things disappearing from the library, as 
we are all on our honor in the  SCA, but someone will be on duty at all times. 

I will bring  a lot of my books and invite everyone to bring historical, 
craft, and source  books from your fields of interest.

The  populace generously gathered over 400 books last year, and  enjoyed 
viewing the collection of National Geographic Historical maps, and  articles on 
SCA topics gleaned from Tournaments Illuminated, class notes, and  other sources.
A copier will be  available.

Come, cool off, research and  relax at the Steppes Warlord Library.

Thank you

HL Ciar nic  Ruadhan O'Seachnasaigh
A&S Minister, Barony of the Steppes

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