[Ansteorra] Re: Psychos and other Ogres

Deirdre ladydeirdre at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 27 07:58:02 PST 2005

To Expand:

I guess I'm thinking in terms of people looking to be the wounded party -
The Victim. Those who constantly whine that they are being wronged, being
picked on, singled out because 'no one likes them'- fill in the blank... -
Usually, you also hear complaints about their mundane work life, and home
life - they are The Victim everywhere they go.  The Victim is glaringly
obvious, and if you don't walk on eggshells around them, you'll be the
subject of their next tirade.
Many times The Victim goes hand-in-hand with The Martyr (not always the sme,
but irritating none-the-less).
I have a low tolerance for both, and will usually offer to push them off the
cliff or hand them the gun. That tends to stop The Martyr in their tracks.
The Victim is a personality quirk - there is no cure.
I suffer no delusions of prosecusion - I don't believe I'm that important to
the Grande Scheme of Things.  The Victim sees it no other way - the entire
world is out to get them.

Unless one is quite blind, Malicious intent (many times disguised as idle
curiousity) appears nothing like genuine curiousity. Very few SCA veterans
will confuse newcomers with trouble makers.

The one that appears to be a troublemaker, but is in reality just not a nice
person is the one who Has Nothing Nice to Say About Anyone, Ever. They're
pretty open about saying what they think about anyone they see, to anyone
near them. Ignore them. They are usually pretty irritating, but mostly
harmless. Most people see them for what they are, and disregard their

Deirdre (before coffee, and almost coherent)

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