[Ansteorra] What has happened?

Snorri Hallsson snorri.hallsson at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 09:23:16 PDT 2005

I have to interject here with this aside.
 As Ansteorrans it is an assumed thing that a lady is escorted before the
Crown in court. It's Just What's Done. The next court you attend, do not
assume this thing lightly. At my first event in the Midrealm I was shocked
to find the custom here is that ladies go unescorted to the thrones. After
eight and a half years of Ansteorran custom, I just assumed that's what was
done everywhere, and I was a little disappointed to discover that wasn't so.
(It also took a conscious effort to keep from leaping from my seat and
escorting the first few ladies until I realized this was how things were
done here.) My disappointment faded when I realized what a special kingdom I
had left behind when we moved.
 My point here is twofold. First, the next time a lady moves towards the
thrones in Ansteorra, may every able-bodied gentleman that can make sure she
doesn't go forward without an escort unless that be her will. There are
those that wish that do wish to go forward without an escort and that must
be respected, but may she always have the choice of an escort every time.
 My second point is that every little tiny chivalrous thing, no matter how
small or assumed they may be, should be cherished, for it may already be
gone in some other part of the Society.
  HL Snorri Hallsson
Ansteorran Ex-Patriot

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