[Ansteorra] RE:The SCA's existance (was the Death of Chivalry)

jim hodek j_hodek at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 5 12:26:59 PDT 2005

My two cemts worth...
Well said. To me chivalry is a way of life, not defined by a single act or action. It is how you go about your daily business. You are cordial, honest and trustworthy, you are respectful of yourself and others, you are helpful and basically you do the best you can do to further "The dream". ( These are the same basic values I try to apply to modern life as well). An act of chivalry is a gift given freely by someone to someone regardless of sex or position (as mentioned earlier in this discussion by her excellancy or grace who did not get any help until the third walk though of an area after donning her brass hat). Asking for help is not illegal and helping after being asked is still chivalrous, who knows what what going on that caused someone not to notice someone needed help.
Lord Gunnarr haukr
Racheal <racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com> wrote:
My 2 Cents...
I *try* to do as the Golden Rule...do unto others as you would have them do
unto you.
If I see someone struggling to carry/do something - I offer to help.
If I see trash and there is a trash bag close by - I put the trash in the
bag or carry it back to my camp to throw it away.
I have only been in the SCA for a year but I see what each of you are
talking about.

While the Hospitaler is a great person, I dont remember seeing her offer an
SCA Ediquette class. I know she has done alot of classes this year but I
dont remember that one.
Maybe something to consider? For all areas??
In Service,

Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary of Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
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