[Ansteorra] Question 10/8/05

Lori Campbell countesskat at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 11 06:50:08 PDT 2005

> I'm not sure if I qualify as a "royalist" or not. To
> my mind, if I think the Crown is doing something
> exceptionally foolish or dangerous to the 
> Kingdom, I consider it my duty to advise them
> (politely and privately, of course) not to do so.

Right, and I agree completely.  Peers, nobility and
royal family have a duty to give counsel to the Crown,
especially if they feel a decision could be
detrimental to the kingdom.  But once the decision is
made I think a true royalist will back off and say
what's done is done.  They don't necessarily like it,
but they respect it.  You know, as opposed to 
backhanded letter writing campaigns to the BoD to see
if a decision can be overturned, or loudly and vocally
proclaiming how wrong the king was for making such a
decision, etc. 

Of course, that's just one definition of "royalist" in
the endless sea of possibilities...

Kat MacLochlainn

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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