[Ansteorra] Youth Boffer Tourney at Deeds of Heroes

Carolle Ternus cternus at texas.net
Mon Oct 10 18:43:21 PDT 2005

Be it known that not all heroes are big, burly warriors. 


Many and glorious are the tales of those of younger years. Deeds of heroism, desperate journeys, and difficult trials are not solely limited to those that are long in the tooth. 


To celebrate the youth of our proud Kingdom of Ansteorra, a Youth Boffer Tourney shall be held at Deeds of Heroes. Bring your armor and ready your sword for there is honor and glory to be found if you dare. Remember that if you like, you can be sponsored by an artisan and walk in the procession in the morning.  (If no sponsor can be found, worry not for there are many with the heart and soul of an artisan that will be willing to sponsor you once you arrive at the event).


The format for the tournament shall be held as a surprise, so be prepared for anything.


Loaner gear is available to those who need it. 


-Erik Clawhanded

Bjornsborg Youth Combat Marshall

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