[Ansteorra] "Do we want a Kingdom-Wide Embroidery Guild?" Meeting Announcement

prudencecurious at netscape.net prudencecurious at netscape.net
Thu Oct 27 10:11:26 PDT 2005

Location: Tournament of the Roses ? MAIN HALL
Date: Sunday November the 6th 
Time: 10am to Noon
Reason: To discuss whether to form a Kingdom-wide Embroidery Guild.
Unto the Needleworkers and Textile Craftsmen of Ansteorra,
Does Lady Maria Cabeca de Vaca  and Lady Prudence the Curious of the Shire of Emerald Keep send greetings,
We would like to invite y?all to a meeting on Sunday at the Tournament of the Roses.  We have this great idea, see.  Well, I guess we should go into more detail.
Both Maria and myself are embroiderers.  And we have gotten together a couple times to run a needle through cloth.  And, as anyone who as stitched with another person knows this happens, we got to chatting.  Lady Maria has for years thought that having an Embroidery Guild in Ansteorra would be a Good Thing.  Lady Prudence just moved here from the East Kingdom where she was part of a kingdom-wide Embroidery Guild, and it was a very Good Thing.  So Maria discussed what she thought would work here and Prudence discussed what she had seen work there.
Then lemonade and chocolate cookies happened and we knew we could do this.  Anyway we are not quite certain if it is the lemonade or a real possibility, so we thought to have a meeting with other people and discuss if it would be a Good Thing.
Topics to be covered will be (1) Whether a guild should form, (2) what topics the guild should encompass (just embroidery, or also lacework and beadwork, or even more textile arts ? so invite your friends who do all that stuff as well), (3) what format the guild should be (one end would just be a group of friends who sit together at events to stitch and at the other would be a formal challenge program to advance skill throughout the kingdom), (4) ? well anyway we will run out of time before we get to (3) let alone (4).
We will start at 10am and go unto noon.  We have to stop at Noon to allow people to prepare for court, so the meeting will start AT TEN ? gather a little before please.  The autocrat for the event has graciously provided the use of part of the main hall on Sunday.
We will try to have lemonade and chocolate cookies there, since they seem to encourage the thought process.
Lady Maria is not certain she will be able to attend the event, but she really would like to see this go forward.  So Lady Prudence will be running the thing on Sunday.  If you want to talk to her on Friday or Saturday, she will be wearing a peach gown with cordwork woven on the bottom ? most likely covered with a short tunic of gray.
Since not everyone will able to be there for the event, we have started a Temporary discussion group on yahoogroups.  The agenda will be published there so we don?t bore people on this list who are not interested in this stuff.  If you would like to be invited to the group, write me at Esther at Penpoint.biz.  At present, the group is so new it is not showing up in searches.
Thank you for your time.
Ever a Servant,
Lady Prudence the Curious
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