[Ansteorra] Gothic Wars T-Shirts

Ronda Roberts rivyn at msn.com
Tue Sep 6 17:58:26 PDT 2005

Can anyone tell me if there are anymore of those t-shirts available and if 
so where I can buy them?  I meant to get them at Gothic but one thing led to 
another, if I wasn't sick from the heat (silly foolish me) I was helping the 
wonderful people in the house of Falcon Rose, so I forgot to go over there 
to nab a couple of them.  I was hoping to get 2 of them in a size 3XL.

In Service to the Dream,
Muriel filia Donaldi de Skia
Barony of Bryn-Gwlad
The Silver Fox Squadron
Ambassador to Atlantia

How many Knights does it take to light a fire?

None!  That's what squires are for!


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