[Ansteorra] Elfsea Defender XXVII is Coming!

Aislyn of Glynwyrd Fen aislyn_glynwyrd_fen at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 19 14:24:25 PDT 2005

   Come one come all, Good Lord and Ladies to Elfsea Defender XXVII;

   It is time once again to compete for the honor and glory of being an
   Elfsea Defender. These are titles coveted by the best fighters,
   swordsmen and archers of Ansteorra and the Known World.

   Their Excellencies, Armand Dragonetti and Ameline du Bois, the Baron
   and Baroness of Elfsea, do hereby invite one and all to this momentous

   There promises to be many different exciting activities including the
   lists for Chivalric, Rapier and Archery to vie for the Defender
   championships. The Chivalric list will be a Swiss Five. The Rapier
   list will be a Swiss Five. One round of each list will be Their
   Excellencies choice. The Archery tournament will be a 2.5-hour bear
   pit type of shoot. There will be varying distances and different
   targets to shoot at. All SCA legal types of bows will be allowed.
   Crossbows may not support the bow arm or crossbow in any way such as
   elbow to knee or elbow to ground etc. There will be no combat archery
   in the Defender shoot. There will be other shoots for fun during the
   day ad we will try to run a Royal Round for those that would like to
   post away scores.

   Their Excellencies have asked that letters of intent be sent to them.

   Other competitions to be held are the championships for Bardic, and
   Arts and Sciences. The A & S Competition will consist of The Frugal
   Anachronist, which means your best body of work for thirty dollars or

   The Bardic competition begins as soon as you arrive. There will be
   special bags handed out to competing bards and tokens to all who
   enter. The populace will be the ones to judge who will be the next
   Fire Walker. The Bards will be handing out little flags for those
   merchants and camps that would prefer we not perform in their
   designated areas; they must be hung in a visible area.

   The populace will be granting their tokens to the bard that has given
   them the best time so be sure to keep moving and gathering as many as
   you can to get that first Fire Walker's Lantern. We will be gathering
   the competitors' bags at 10 pm on Sat Night. As soon as we have
   counted them all up we will announce the winners at the Hafla.

   The Ansteorran Middle Eastern Dance Championship will be held Saturday
   night and promises to be most exhilarating.

   Site will open at 4:00 PM on Friday, September 23rd and close at noon
   on Sunday September 25th. There will be no feast.

   We look forward to seeing one and all.

   Lady Aislyn of Glynwyrd Fen

   and Arcus Fearghus MacKenna


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